The world is so weird right now. I'm either too soft and compassionate for forgiving the flaws of another, or too judgmental for having any expectations and therefore not compassionate enough. I'm …
This Idea Should Die
I listen to Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier's podcast "Shop Talk Show"; Episode 185, "This Idea Should Die" was really excellent. The best part was at the end, where the amazing Jen Simmons talked …
The Working Workplace
Humans are messy. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, yet I find myself saying this more often than not to a woman who feels like she's being scared out of the IT field. I'm not justifying …
When you mean to blog, but then you don’t.
I was in Chicago a couple of weeks back, and did the tourist thing. It was sorta fun, and by sorta I mean it would have been amazing if it wasn't snowing SIDEWAYS. …
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All Things Open
I attended All Things Open in Raleigh this year. I've been so busy absorbing and thinking about the things I learned and ideas I was introduced to, that I haven't written about it until now. General …
Sometimes, when I'm "adding functionality" aka hacking someone else's code, I feel like I need some sort of disclaimer that says "OH HEY I WOULDN'T ACTUALLY EVER PURPOSEFULLY ENGINEER CODE THIS …